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Album: photos:20021110

Mansilla de las Mules - León
10 November 2002
Day's km: 18.5
Overall km: 832

León. This city reminds me of Burgos. It is large and there was a long walk through housing developments and other urban areas. We decided ahead of time to use the first of two albergues. This one is further away from the old center but is open 24 hrs a day allowing us to fully enjoy city life and the small fiesta tonight.

Lots of pilgrims here today and I even met some new ones. I ended up doing the tapa bar/festival/pizzaria crawl with Eric, the Frenchman and Swede from Burgos, a Spaniard, and for part of the night, a Swiss, and the 3 Basques. Oh so enjoyable but it does not lend itself to proper attention to the journal.

Available Images:

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