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Album: photos:20021024

Ruesta - Sangüesa
24 October 2002
Day's km: 28
Overall km: 402.5

I got up early and visited the ruins more thoroughly. Last night's visit was rushed and dark.

The 3 of us left for Sangüesa after a breakfast of bread and jam. I would have preferred sausage and potatoes like at dinner, but it was lots of carbohydrates so I won't complain.

The morning started with a gradual 300 meter ascent. Along the way we passed the well preserved hermitage of Santiago Apóstol. At one time it had a hospital and received pilgrims. This modern route may not always follow the historical path, but it really does connect any pilgrim sites. 1,200 years of pilgrim feet passed by here.

On the way down we left Aragon and entered Navarra. We were still searching for an open bar but there was nothing at the border but a sign. Later, we found some bars in Sangüesa.

Sangüesa is a little larger than most places have been lately. Besides bars there was even a supermarket which when coupled with the kitchen at the albergue de peregrinos allowed for some giant meals. I opted for a kilo of fried fish and some poorly cooked croquets and the Germans made spagetti. Jose Luis stayed the night with us too. He is a 63 year old, 3 time camino pilgrim that Frank and Kirsten met a while back. I can't decide how to describe him other than being very animated and full of life. He is so funny. It does not even matter that I don't understand most of what he says.

This albergue is nice and free. It is run by a group of tiny little nuns. The only problem is that we need to be out at 08:00. I am usually walking by 9, but I should be able to do 8. Frank is particularily fond of sleeping in though.

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Powered by album tool a Marginal Hack written by Dave MadisonTue Feb 10 23:45:30 2009

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