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Album: photos:20021023

Puenta la Reina de Jaca - Ruesta
23 October 2002
Day's km: 25
Overall km: 374.5

I limped into Ruesta at sundown with the German couple from Canfranc Estacion's Pepito Grille. They took a rest day yesterday and I passed them somewhere during the hike today. Then they caught me when I stopped to remove my ankle wrap. It was a happy reunion and we hiked at least 6 hours together.

It amazes me how people can met on a trail like this and talk like old friends. Tonight Frank, Kirsten, and I share a demi-pension at the alberque. Dinner, wine, and card games to follow. We decided to push on to here because the last town kind of sucked.

This ruined village is impressive. It was established in 711 by the Moors who abandoned it in the 10th century and was fortified by Sancho Garcés I of Navarra. Not long afterward it was captured for Aragon. In 1959 it was abandoned when the Yesa reservoir flooded the farmland below. During the last few years it is being reconditioned for pilgrim and tourist use. Right now there is an albergue and a bar that is not open.

Although there is a 10 century church amonng the ruins, the real attraction is the remains of the castle. there is really only 1 section of wall left but it has battlements. The square tower is in good condition. Unfortunately none of our guides has any information about it. Even in ruins it is still impressive and commanding. Hopefully my pictures will look good.

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Album created by album a tool written by DaveTue Feb 10 23:45:20 2009

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