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French flag Unofficial Arthur Labonne French flag

Vive la France!

Spinning Arthur Arthur

These photos were all taken in Ecuador. For photos and movies from our trip to Columbia, visit Arthur Labonne Gone Wild.

The pictures to the right were both taken at the hostel in February 2005. The top is in the kitchen and the lower one was taken outside while we were watching the sunset behind the Ilinizas with Kirill the Russian.

Arthur was Hostel Valhalla's administrator for about 6 months during 2004 and 2005. His last day was at the end of February. What does a hostel administrator do? Good question. I've compiled a list of his main tasks.

Arthur You will remember that I took over for him while he went to the Amazon. His job wasn't easy. I was at the hostel for more than 6 days and was utterly unable to put so much as a scratch on the Land Cruiser.

Here is a bonus feature. Now I realize my French isn't very good but if you would like to hear it spoken by a native watch this: Movie: Arthur the scrubwoman (3.8 MB mov) It is near the end. I believe he says something to the effect of "Smell my cheese".

Here he is hard at work. You can see the hostel and one of Moggely's posh fleet vehicles.


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arthur_labonne.php last modified on 25 January 2017 10:58:27 UTC