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Album: abseil trips:United States:OH:Hocking Hills:Hocking Day2

21 May 2005: Hocking Rappel / Ascending Weekend

Saturday and Sunday we went on another trip to southern Ohio. Our destination this time was Hocking Hills State park for a bit of rope work. We would be camping near by and get two days worth of rope ascending and descending practice using a variety of techniques. The strangest thing about the weekend was paying for camping though. And the site was sixteen bucks! I'm either camping for free or paying a lot less for a great little hostel or hotel somewhere in a foreign land.

Sunday we rigged the ropes at the highest cliff which was about a 120 foot rappel with about 110 feet of that being free hanging. I went back to using a rack for all the raps and ascended with the tried and true Texas prusik and the new-for-me frog system. I never realized how inefficient and slow prusikking up a rope can be. In an alpine or glacier environment climbers usually don't really have to climb very far. When I put on the frog, I flew up the rope. Quick and fun. I'm sold on using that for long rope climbs.

It is safe to say that everybody there had a great time and had lots of good skills practice. The picture is me just about to start the 120 foot climb back up the rope and is courtesy of my sister who. Karen's site is where you will have to go to see more of me. I don't take many pictures of myself!

Available Images:

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Album created by photo album generator from MarginalHacks by David LjungSat Sep 20 15:57:41 2008

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