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Album: abseil trips:United States:OH:Hocking Hills:Hocking Day1

21 May 2005: Hocking Rappel / Ascending Weekend

Saturday and Sunday we went on another trip to southern Ohio. Our destination this time was Hocking Hills State park for a bit of rope work. We would be camping near by and get two days worth of rope ascending and descending practice using a variety of techniques. The strangest thing about the weekend was paying for camping though. And the site was sixteen bucks! I'm used to either camping for free or paying a lot less for a great little hostel or hotel somewhere in a foreign land.

Saturday George, Karen, and I met Andrew and Vic at the cliffs which are part of Hocking's designated Climbing and Rappelling area. It was mid afternoon by the time we arrived but we still managed several rappels each and some rope ascending too. It was a nice overhung cliff around maybe 90 feet high. I got to try some new equipment for going up and down the rope. I didn't like it that much but it is probably more an issue of familiarity than anything else.

Available Images:

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Album created by album from Marginal Hacks by Dave MadisonSat Sep 20 15:57:18 2008

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