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[Backcountry]   Resorts

Backcountry Skiing

No Fear

What better thing for a person living in Colorado with easy access to world class, lift-served skiing to do than to hike their ski gear up a hard, crusty glacier or mountain for one run. I won't even go into the avalanche dangers. Yep it's backcountry skiing.

Movies courtesy of my videographer, Bernie with my Nikon Coolpix 5400. Movies courtesy of my videographer, Bernie and his Canon G2.

No Fear
[Backcountry]   Resorts

Activities discussed on this site are often dangerous and ill advised.
You can do everything right and still die or be seriously injured. Such is the nature of adventurous pastimes.
The people affiliated with this site make no claims regarding the safety or veracity of information.
Caveat lector. Think for yourself and make your own decisions.

backcountry.php last modified on 25 January 2017 10:51:58 UTC