Album: photos:20021118 | |||
O Cebriero - Triacastela 18 November 2002 Day's km: 22 Overall km: 1011 Last night finished with the 4 of us and Robert, another French-Canadian that hiked with Germaine and Jeanette and I, enjoying a night of drinks, spiced octopus, and lively conversation. Well, Veronica is not a fan of octopus so she had soup. It was a very late night for walkers though. Adrianne and I turned in last, and I believe it was well after 1 am. It certainly was a memorable night. Now, it is the morning, and I am writing this while hoping the rain will stop and waiting for the girls to wake up. They were hoping for a longer day, but I am beginning to doubt their resolve as it is 09:20 and they have not left their sleeping bags. Alessandro dragged his stuff out a little bit ago and packed up in the hall. Now he is headed out, and I believe I will pack up now too. -Later- Eight tiny villages later, I am in the small town of Triacastela so named because at one time there were three castles situated around the town. Now no trace remain, but there is an albergue, shops, restaurants, and bars. The four of us are sharing a small dorm again. Like the night before, there are a lot of other pilgrims here that I have not seen before. The showers here suck. There is hot water, but you have to use one hand for pushing each water tap, and as soon as you stop so does the water. Very difficult to wash. Tonight we will visit a nearby bar until the restaurants are open for dinner. |
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