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Album: photos:20021117

Vega de Valcarce - O Cebriero
17 November 2002
Day's km: 13
Overall km: 989

A short kilometer day today. Nobody seemed to be in a hurry to leave the albergue today. I did not start walking until 10:30 Stephen, Veronica, and Adrianne were still there.

The late start was very relaxing though, and I have no regrets. it also afforded me the opportunity for a picture of the ruined 9th - 15th century castle with sunlight striking it from behind the ridge and snow covered slopes in the background. I met Alessandro along the way my start was so late. We hiked up O Cebriero sort of together. For once, I have a picture of myself courtesy of the funny Italian.

The weather was not great, but it was not too bad either. The rain held off for all but a short stretch approaching the hamlet of o Cebriero. Just before that we entered the cloud that was obscuring the mountaintop. Before we knew it, we were through Laguna de Castilla and at the great stone marker at the Galician border.

Without even discussing it, we dropped our gear off at the refugio. Time for a short day. And as a bonus the girls from Quebec were at the first bar we chose, and my glowing praise of this refuge brought them here later. The four of us are sharing a small dormroom now. They have met Alessandro before on the Camino. I had to warn them later not to learn Spanish from him though. Even I recognize that he speaks poorly. Really, he more or less speaks Italian with 1 or 2 Spanish words thrown in. It is close enough that the Spanish seem to understand him though.

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Photo album generated by album tool from David's Marginal HacksTue Feb 10 23:48:45 2009

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