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Album: photos:20021116

Cacabelos - Vega de Valcarce
16 November 2002
Day's km: 24.5
Overall km: 976.5

Last night I entertained fantasies of a long day to the top of O Cebreiro, but I actually managed to sleep in due to the fact I was alone in a cheap room above a bar rather than a dormitory. My late start and a day long rain made Vega de Valcarce a more reasonable goal.

I did see Alessandro in a restaurant in Trabadelo. He was wondering what happened to me. He is taking some short days because of the rain and because he has so much time until his flight back to Italy.

So, I am in the pilgrim refuge with a new set of peregrinos tonight. There seems to be a lot of French spoken. I know the two girls next to me are from Quebec, and a Swiss guy came in after me. The others are speaking French and Spanish, but I have not really met them yet.

Sounds like it is still raining outside. I hope it clears up for tomorrow's climb up O Cebreiro. It is supposed to be beautiful. I don't know where I am staying tomorrow yet.

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Photo album generated by photo album generator from David's Marginal HacksTue Feb 10 23:48:36 2009

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