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Album: photos:20021031

Nájara - Grañon
31 October 2002
Day's km: 27
Overall km: 590

I passed the halfway mark somewhere among the winefields of La Rioja today. That is a nice sense of accomplishment. In fact, today just about concludes my passage through La Rioja. Tonight I am staying in a church belltower in Grantilde;on just short of the border with Castille y León.

With me are only a Spanish couple doing a short section and the caretaker. My companions from the last few days are 7 km behind in Santo Domingo. I wanted to walk on because it ws only 14:00 when I arrived in Santo Domingo, and I am planning a short walking day at Atapuerca.

I shared ice cream bars with Satoe, the German Dominik, and Eric before bidding them farewell. I hope to cross paths with the group again aroud Atapuerca. After consulting my guide tonight, I don't know if that will happen though. I think they will stop just short of Atapuerca when I am there. Maybe Jackie will catch up since she is biking. Derrick is the only walker whose feet are in great shape and can do longer walking days. There are some really bad feet in that group. Fortunately, some of them are only doing a section so it does not matter too much.

Today, like yesterday, I walked much of the day with the others. The group gets very strung out during the day with a couple hours between the first and the last. I might not be fast on steep uphils, but I am built for walking this camino. I can sail along, and even if I start last, I pass everyone along the way. It is not a rear fair comparison, however, considering their injuries. When I pass them it is nice because I can visit along the way.

The hospetelero has just about finished preparing dinner - an unexpected surprise. So, I am ending this entry here.

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