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Album: photos:20021007

illicit campsite - L'isle Jourdain
07 October 2002

Today went a little slow with the lack of sleep and proper nurishment but the GR653 long distance path that I am following to the Spanish border took me through some pleasant country.

Over half the day was spent in the forest. Forêt Bou-something-ne is large by French standards but actually pretty small. It is obviously fairly recent with young trees and choked with underbrush , but it was still a nice walk in the shade. This is hill country, but the ups and downs were gentle.

Eventually, the forest ended and I took a woods road down into farm country. Very scenic and I was glad for the trees. It is hot out. Walking among and around the fields and isolated homes was fascinating. The path had become a paved road after a while and I could hear traffic on the D9. Now at nearly river level I turned left and headed into L'isle Jourdain.

That is where I am at now. To be precise I am in the Hotel du Lac's restaurant after a fantastic meal. I don't know precisely what it all was other than good though. There was jellied duck and some sort of steak involved. The second course presented me with a bizarre looking knife. I hope it was just a table formality and I was not supposed to use it. It resembled a butter knife, but I had nothing to cut or spread. I am such a savage.

It is just about time for me to retire to my room overlooking the lake. this is an awesome and inexpensive place. I am tempted to stay an extra day but since I just started, I will not. Hopefully tomorrow will finish as nicely.

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Created with the tool album from MarginalHacks by Dave MadisonTue Feb 10 23:43:13 2009

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